For more than a decade, Rhona has been delivering parent education from preschool to high school, and professional development for teachers and other educators, administrators, counselors, and school support staff. Enhanced by her background as a recovering academic (Rhona taught college and graduate students for a decade) and as a trainer for Toolbox Project® (a K-6 social emotional learning program), Rhona delivers timely and engaging professional development for teachers and other school staff, and dynamic parent ed to your school community. Workshop topics include:

For staff: Positive communication, conflict management, and coaching tools to improve teacher parent communication, enhance dynamics with students and colleagues, and increase school morale.

For staff: A roadmap to better understanding and improving organizational dynamics, and decreasing climate of frustration, by tapping into a relationship systems model that focuses on more equitable role distribution, increased accountability, and overall effectiveness. 

For staff: Pragmatic and inspiring skills to lessen stress and burnout, capably create and hold boundaries, and increase self-care and enhance self-advocacy.

For Middle School parents: Tips on when, how & why to discuss the following topics with your tweens and teens: consent, risky digital media, and relationships.

Parent Ed workshops for pre- & primary school parents include: Positive Discipline parent education;  Communication Strategies to Strengthen Parenting;Raising Emotionally Healthy Kids;Boundaries as the Gateway to Middle & High School Consent; and Life Coaching Tools for Parenting.

Rhona received coaching certification from the Coaches Training Institute, studied Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching (ORSC) at the Center for Right Relationship, and is credentialed by the International Coaching Federation. She is a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator and she trains teachers in Toolbox Project®, a research-based K-6 Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Rhona is also a Certified Trainer for Sanity School Live®, Parent Management Training for parents of complex kids, including those with learning and sensory processing challenges, and many of those who are neurodivergent. Rhona is also an experienced teacher in her own right, though she understands that her decade as a professor to undergraduate students at the University of California, Irvine, was a far easier teaching experience than challenges faced by preschool through high school educators, especially post-Covid.

To learn more about Rhona’s professional development workshops for school staff and parent education for your school community, please complete the form below and Rhona will contact you soon.


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